Web-based system for carrying Business-to-Business transactions on the Internet

Products and Solutions

Virinchi Manufacturing

Private Exchange Enabler (PEE) Manufacturing
Virinchi Manufacturing is a web-based system for carrying out the Business-to-Business transactions on the Internet, including the multi-modal procurement and the exchange of business documents. Virinchi Manufacturing is the domain dependent application instance (verticalization) of Private Exchange Enabler for manufacturing. The solution encompasses the Buy-Side functionality, Sell-Side functionality and also provides for fulfillment cycle with an interface to the logistics providers. The solution comprises of four base engines of procurement viz. Catalog, RFQ, Auction and Bid and this supported by various modules that provide functionality for Supplier Relationship Management, Project Collaboration, Community Collaborator, Document Management, Content Management, Security Suite and Portal/Company Administration. The system has an integrated workflow engine built for enabling pre-configured rule-based routing of the documents.

The solution provides an external interface for Inter-Enterprise Transactions and leverages on an organization’s existing systems (ERPs / Legacy Systems), which address the Intra-Enterprise functionality. This concept conceives an extended enterprise where the Suppliers/Vendors, Customers, Third-Party Service Providers and other Value Added Service providers form an integrated network. This solution is available in customized versions for various industry verticals and has a multi-lingual interface. This enables the tracking of each Asset across various sites spread all over the world, enabling users to better use the services of the Asset available and to reduce idle time.

Virinchi’s solution has a mechanism for capturing the ad-hoc requests via Purchase Requisitions, but even in such cases an optimized procurement is enabled via Demand Aggregation functionality. The Demand Aggregation functionality enables consolidating the ad-hoc requests from across the organization and the negotiated route of procurement brings in the much-required cost advantages. The fulfillment module of the solution facilitates for centralized procurement and distributed delivery.

The Manufacturing solution has sell-side functionality where in the suppliers can be become a preferred supplier and have a long-term frame agreement with their buyers. The Catalog manager provides a supplier interface for their product catalogs. The Bid and Award management features enable the suppliers to manage the quotation, negotiation and the fulfillment processes.

Main Functionality:

  • SKU / Products & Solutions Profiling and Management.
  • RFQ based Ist Generation Procurement by the Platform.
  • Sell Side.
  • Online Auctions – English, Dutch and Yankee auctions in Forward and Reverse Modes
  • Work Flow Manager tightly integrated with approval and send.
  • Bids Manager – Online Bid management
  • Project Management – Project Initiation, Project collaboration and online Project Management tightly integrated with the e-procurement and e-sales functionalities
  • Cash Management: Banking & Finance e-finance and Internet banking transactions.
  • Certification, Embedded Encryption & Embedded Decryption Security in applications.
  • Enterprise Unified Collaborator & Messenger.
  • Enterprise Integration.
  • Data Base and Document Schema Mapping.
  • Enterprise Planning for Business Partners.